Intramural Volleyball League Rules 2024
There shall be 6 players per team on the court at one time. No more than 3 (50%) individuals of a single gender are permitted to play at a time.
The game is a timed game of 35 minutes. There are a maximum of 3 sets that go to 25 points and a team must win by 2 points with a cap at 30 points. At the end of the 35 minutes, the points from all three sets will be added together for the final score. If the game is completed within 35 minutes, that is the final score, but if the timer runs out, that will be the final score of the game. (Best 2 out of 3 sets)
If there is not enough time to complete the sets (max 35 minutes), the winner will be which team is leading at the time. If the score is tied, the next point wins. Don’t need to lead by 2 points (NO OT).
The winner of a game of rock/paper/scissors will choose to serve or receive. The server must serve from behind the end line until after contact. The ball may touch the net on the serve and still be in play.
The players will rotate in a clockwise manner every time your team wins a serve.
There is a maximum of three touches of the ball per side.
Players may not touch the ball twice in succession (a block is not considered a touch).
The ball may be played off the net during a volley and on serve.
A ball touching a boundary line counts, meaning a point is received.
A player may not block or attack a serve.
A player may not step on or over the line on a serve.
A player may not touch the net with any part of their body while the ball is in play.
A player may not reach over the net unless blocking an attack.
Blocks or spikes from a back-row player must be from behind the attack line (10ft line).
If there are 12 or more teams in regular season play, the top 6 will move onto playoffs with #1 and receiving a bi. If there are less than 12 teams in regular season play, the top 4 teams will move onto playoffs. All Playoffs will be single elimination unless otherwise noted.?
Playoff tournament schedules will be posted at least one week prior for review. Captains are responsible
for obtaining this information and providing conflicting dates/times to the Intramural Coordinators.?Once
posted, no requests to change the playoff schedule will be accepted.
PLAYOFF RULE: Games will run for 2 sets to 25 points or win by 2 with a cap of 30 points (games will not be timed). If the teams have both won a set, a third set will be played to 15 points and a cap of 20 points. A team has to win 2 sets in order to win the game.
Less Than 48-Hours’ Notice: If your team is unable to attend a scheduled game and the team captain notifies StFX Intramurals less than 48 hours (2 days) before the game (including same-day cancelations), it will be treated as a forfeit. This will result in a 25-0 loss for your team and count as one forfeit. Any team that forfeits two (2) contests shall be dropped from competition in the league.
48-Hour (2-Day) Notice: If your team cannot attend a scheduled game, the team captain may request a reschedule by providing at least two (2) days' notice. Reschedules are not guaranteed, and if the request is denied, your team is still expected to attend the game. Failure to attend will result in a 25-0 loss but will not count as a forfeit. Requests made with less than 48 hours' notice will not be approved, and a 25-0 loss along with a forfeit will be applied (subject to the two-forfeit rule mentioned above).
Due to limited court availability and a short season, reschedules are unlikely and most definitely not guaranteed.
Forfeits: ?Teams who are not present at their scheduled contest by game time or are unable to produce enough eligible players to field a team, will be assessed a forfeit aside from the following Grace Period Exception. This will result in a 25-0 loss for the team. Each team is allowed two forfeits before being removed from the league (on the third forfeit we will remove you from the league). Any team proven to have played a game with an ineligible player will receive a forfeit and the player WILL BE DROPPED from league play for the remainder of the season. This includes players playing under an assumed name and/or falsified identification number. Forfeited games will not be rescheduled.
Grace Period Exception:?The official or supervisor on duty will allow the other team a grace period of ten minutes to acquire a properly equipped team.?If ten minutes pass after the scheduled game time, and the minimum number of eligible players required to play for the opposing team has not arrived, then the team that is ready to play must accept the forfeit. If the forfeiting team can obtain the minimum number of properly equipped players before the ten-minute grace period expires, the game shall be started, and the opposing team shall be given the ball/possession.
StFX Intramurals expects all participants to respect and abide by all rules and policies, show respect, and concern for their opponent and intramural staff, and refrain from abusive language, poor attitude, and manipulation of the rules to further their chance of winning. Upholding high standards of integrity and fair play is of the utmost importance to the Intramural Committee.?
Fair play ratings are given to teams after each contest by either the?nightly supervisors or game officials. These ratings reflect behavior before, during, and after the contest. ?
For a team to qualify for post-season playoffs, they must have a 5.0 average?in fair play during regular season play. Any team receiving a?ZERO?rating during the regular season will be subject to additional discipline. The ratings are given after each contest based of a 10-point scale. ?
| Out of control behavior with excessive disrespect and arguing. Multiple players involved in a fight or destruction of property. Team is subject to investigation and possible removal from competition.? |
| Excessively disrespectful and argumentative. Any physical contact or provocation of officials. Multiple ejected players or one player involved in a fight.? |
| Frequently disrespectful with repeated arguing. Provocative behavior toward officials. Multiple unsportsmanlike penalties or multiple ejected players.? |
| Frequently disrespectful to officials and/or opponents. Frequent arguing or complaints. Multiple unsportsmanlike penalties or 1 ejected player.? |
| Shows moderate disrespect to officials and/or opponents. Moderate arguing or complaints. Maximum of 1 unsportsmanlike penalty? |
| Respectful most of the time, but occasional minor disrespect towards officials or opponents. Some arguing or complaints. No unsportsmanlike penalties.? |
| Generally respectful to officials and opponents. Occasional complaints or arguing. No unsportsmanlike penalties.? |
| Mostly respectful to officials and opponents. Some minor complaints or arguing. No unsportsmanlike penalties.? |
| Respectful to officials and opponents. Minimal to no complaints or arguing. No unsportsmanlike penalties.? |
| Always respectful to officials and the opposing teams. No arguing or complaining. No unsportsmanlike penalties. ? |