2024-25-Intramural Flag Football-Men's Division    (October 2024)
2024-25-Intramural Flag Football-Men's Division Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
Fourth Down Felons 44001523481181.000
Team Tapp 330080366441.000
Mob City 330072286441.000
Waymo Deep 330085576281.000
Bills Mafia 321098714270.667
Team Baltussen 31207271210.333
Currie Cannons 312055732-180.333
Rippin' Tuddies 312062852-230.333
Blake’s little kittens 312050892-390.333
The tush pushers 312019651-460.333
Show us your TD's 303036660-300.000
The Lads 3030591040-450.000
Skibidi Rizz Sigma 303022830-610.000
2024-25-Intramural Flag Football-Men's Division Schedule
DateHome AwayTime/StatusVenueGame TypeOfficials
Sun-Oct 27   Fourth Down Felons 48 - 6 Blake’s little kittens Complete StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Sun-Oct 27   Show us your TD's 7 - 14 Team Tapp Complete StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Sun-Oct 27   Mob City 26 - 8 Skibidi Rizz Sigma Complete StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Sun-Oct 27   The Lads 27 - 33 Waymo Deep Complete StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Mon-Oct 28   Currie Cannons 21 - 12 Rippin' Tuddies Complete StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Mon-Oct 28   Mob City 32 - 20 Team Baltussen Complete StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Sun-Nov 3   Bills Mafia 37 - 12 The Lads Complete StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Sun-Nov 3   The tush pushers (Forfeit) 0 - 14 Mob City Complete StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Sun-Nov 3   Team Tapp 28 - 6 Currie Cannons Complete StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Sun-Nov 3   Blake’s little kittens 26 - 27 Rippin' Tuddies Complete StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Mon-Nov 4   Waymo Deep 19 - 2 Show us your TD's Complete StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Mon-Nov 4   Skibidi Rizz Sigma 0 - 39 Fourth Down Felons Complete StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Tue-Nov 5   Team Baltussen 18 - 19 The tush pushers Complete StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Tue-Nov 5   Bills Mafia 28 - 32 Fourth Down Felons Complete StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Thu-Nov 7   Skibidi Rizz Sigma 14 - 18 Blake’s little kittens Complete StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Thu-Nov 7   Currie Cannons 28 - 33 Waymo Deep Complete StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Thu-Nov 7   Rippin' Tuddies 23 - 38 Team Tapp Complete StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Thu-Nov 7   Team Baltussen 34 - 20 The Lads Complete StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Thu-Nov 7   Fourth Down Felons 33 - 0 The tush pushers Complete StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Thu-Nov 7   Show us your TD's 27 - 33 Bills Mafia Complete StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Thu-Nov 14   Waymo Deep  v  Rippin' Tuddies 9:15 PM StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Thu-Nov 14   The tush pushers  v  Skibidi Rizz Sigma 9:15 PM StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Thu-Nov 14   Bills Mafia  v  Currie Cannons 10:00 PM StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Thu-Nov 14   Blake’s little kittens  v  Team Tapp 10:00 PM StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
Thu-Nov 14   The Lads  v  Mob City 10:45 PM StFX Stadium Turf 1 Regular 
Thu-Nov 14   Team Baltussen  v  Show us your TD's 10:45 PM StFX Stadium Turf 3 Regular 
1Fourth Down FelonsAidan Foster 1
2Fourth Down FelonsAlec Ross 1
3Waymo DeepAlex Card 2
4Team BaltussenAnthony Waller 3
5Blake’s little kittensAntoine Gingras 2
6Waymo DeepAvery MacLeod 2
7Team TappBeckham Tapp 5
8Rippin' TuddiesBen Dickson 1
9Rippin' TuddiesBenjamin Sears 1
10Rippin' TuddiesBrandon Russell 3
11Rippin' TuddiesBraydon Lee 1
12Bills MafiaBrett Murphy 1
13Mob CityBrodie MacDonald 1
14Rippin' TuddiesCaelan Sum 1
15Team TappCarsen Rathwell 1
16The LadsChris Cameron 2
17Fourth Down FelonsCole Crawford 7
18The tush pushersCole McLeman 1
19The LadsDamian Clark 1
20Bills MafiaDecklin Palmer 5
21The LadsDylan Clark 6
22Team TappEthan Arthurs 1
23Team BaltussenEthan Baltussen 2
24Fourth Down FelonsEvan Maynard 1
25Currie CannonsEyosi Derech 1
26Blake’s little kittensGabriel Gallant 2
27Team TappGraham Strachan 1
28Fourth Down FelonsGreg MacNeil 5
29Show us your TD'sHunter Brown 1
30Fourth Down FelonsJack Langley 2
31Mob CityJack Mattie 4
32Currie CannonsJack Robinson 2
33Team TappJackson Whitham 2
34Team BaltussenJacob Davis 1
35Rippin' TuddiesJake Gococo 3
36Waymo DeepJakob Orlik 3
37Blake’s little kittensJesse Bosch 4
38Show us your TD'sKaleb Boates 1
39Waymo DeepKiev Brownlie 1
40Waymo DeepKy Donohue 1
41Fourth Down FelonsKyle Van Der Raadt 7
42Waymo DeepLuc Sampson 1
43Fourth Down FelonsMacguire Burke 2
44Skibidi Rizz Sigma Marshall Hebb 1
45Team BaltussenMatthew Pellerine 3
46Bills MafiaMax Greatorex 5
47Bills MafiaMiles Carreau 1
48Mob CityNick Marshall 4
49Skibidi Rizz Sigma Ryan Francis 2
50Bills MafiaRyan Newcombe 2
51The tush pushersSammy Perkins 2
52Waymo DeepSamuel Atwood 3
53Team TappSean O'Rourke 1
54Show us your TD'sWill Costello 1
55Currie CannonsWill McKinnon 4
56Currie CannonsWill Seymour 2
57Team BaltussenWilliam MacDonald 1
58Show us your TD'sWyatt Lukie 3
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Adult
Division: Intramural
Sport: Flag Football (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 10/27/2024
End Date: 12/11/2024
Status: InProgress
Team Fee:
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